Storage And Transport: Safety And Quality First


You want to easily transport your containers with liquid chemicals and refrigerant gases. We have many years of experience and can arrange everything for you. Our import/logistics concept is the most efficient way: you leave all the logistics with us and we will completely unburden you. Obviously, you can also let us organise a part of the logistics.

Import/export logistics concept

  • One contact: prevents errors and is cost-efficient
  • We do everything in-house using our own resources
  • Reduced burden on your administrative department
  • Including customs storage and handling (preparation of T1 (transit) documents, customs clearance and export documentation)
  • Storage of your goods at our site in Blaak

Intermodal transport

  • To save the environment, as well as costs, we provide intermodal (or multimodal) transport. This means that depending on the destination we use different modes of transport: road transport, inland waterway shipping, rail and short sea. For example, a loaded tank container is put on the train in Rotterdam or Antwerp and then transported by rail to Italy. Our storage in Blaak can be easily accessed by inland waterways.

Do you have specific questions?
Do you have a specific question about transportation. Or regarding environmental laws and regulations. Please contact one of our experts.