safety is our first priority


Our approach to sustainability is ambitious and performance-driven, with a balanced roadmap that prioritizes care for people, the planet, and profit. Our top priority is safety, and we want to support the shift to products that are more sustainable and circular in the future while also lowering our own environmental and carbon footprint.

Our moral compass

The BEOTANK 2 B.V Values are the foundation of our approach to business. It is vital that our employees, contractors and joint venture partners understand and share these values. These values are embedded in our policies and (performance-review) frameworks, including our Code of Conduct. They act as a guide to decision-making, and serve as the company’s moral compass.

Code of Conduct

The BEOTANK 2 B.V Code of Conduct outlines our standards for human rights, nondiscrimination, safety, the environment, fraud, and corruption. The Code also contains guidelines for adhering to international sanctions legislation and preventing money laundering. Given that BEOTANK 2 B.V. operates globally, including in nations with a greater risk of corruption and worse records regarding human rights, these are crucial subjects.

Sustainability policy

For BEOTANK 2 B.V, sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To live up to our purpose, we act to help future generations meet their needs and contribute to a more sustainable economy by developing infrastructure for the introduction of vital products of the future. We are mindful of the potential impact of our business activities on people’s safety, health and wellbeing and on the environment. Through our care for people, planet and profit, we aim to create value for all our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, authorities, local communities and society at large. Our choices today should thus contribute to and serve the current and long-term interests of society and the wellbeing and development of current and future generations.

Sustainable Development Goals

BEOTANK 2 B.V. is in favor of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has adopted five of them in particular because we think they will provide the greatest benefits for stakeholders and society at large. The BEOTANK 2 B.V. initiative can make the biggest difference by assisting with the transitions in energy and feedstocks, offering a secure workplace, preventing pollution of the air, water, and soil, and constructing robust, sustainable infrastructure at ports all over the world.

SDG 7 – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

SDG 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

BEOTANK 2 B.V aims to contribute to the dual objective of limiting climate change, while providing access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy and feed stocks for all. We help customers reduce their environmental and carbon footprint and contribute to the energy and feed stocks transition around the world. At the same time, we are taking effective measures to reduce our own environmental and carbon footprint, including CO2.

SDG 8 – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

In storing vital products with care, safety is our first and foremost priority. This includes ensuring a safe and secure working environment for all people working at and for BEOTANK 2 B.V and caring for the communities in which we operate.

SDG 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

To realize our purpose, we develop, maintain and operate reliable, sustainable terminal infrastructure in ports around the world. We adopt and invest in environmentally sound technologies and processes. We explore the introduction of more sustainable technologies and processes and work on the digital transformation of our company.

SDG 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We work hard to reduce any negative impact of our activities on people’s health and well-being, on the environment and on climate, in particular by reducing emissions to air, water and soil and managing waste and wastewater. Underlying these efforts is our ambition to preserve biodiversity.

Our sustainability roadmap

Based on our purpose of storing vital products with care, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the priorities indicated by our stakeholders, BEOTANK 2 B.V defined a balanced Sustainability Roadmap. It contains Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) targets and actions on 12 key sustainability topics that matter most to our stakeholders and where we can have the highest impact for people, planet and profit. 

The roadmap provides a sustainability framework to implement the strategic transformation of our portfolio towards cleaner conventional products and zero and low-carbon new energies & feed stocks. Furthermore, it helps us integrate sustainability into our global processes and investment decisions. Finally, it aims to guide our organization in translating key sustainability topics into clear actions and priorities and integrating them into our annual budget cycles, business agendas, work programs and our daily drive for performance.

Material sustainability topics

BEOTANK 2 B.V carries out periodic materiality assessments. These enable us to reassess, identify and prioritize topics that represent the most significant impacts of BEOTANK 2 B.V activities and business relationships on the economy, environment, and people including impacts on human rights. Simultaneously, it helps us to understand the materiality of the changing economy, environment and society on our value and business.